Alternative Passive Income - Crypto Minning

Ginanjar D.
2 min readApr 6, 2022


Honeygain is the first-ever app that helps its users make money online by sharing their internet connection. People can now reach their unused data plans full potential and not leave any unused data behind! It’s a really passive income — effortlessly!

In short, by running Honeygain you essentially employ your internet connection to make money for yourself. The app facilitates proxy services to third parties, such as data scientists, Fortune 500, and other trustworthy companies. The Honeygain network is used by researchers from e-commerce, advertising, and web intelligence companies. These companies extract insights from the web using Honeygain to make market research, ad-fraud prevention, brand protection, pricing intelligence, travel fare aggregation, and SEO monitoring services.

Source: honeygain

Link to join : (refferal)

Payment proof

payment proof for minning app

We will get 50% bonus gift for join JumpTask. JumpTask is an unprecedented decentralized platform for microtask-based earning. Fueled by JMPT, accessible to everyone. Source: JumpTask

earn cyrpto by doing task

You will need Metamask to joining JumTask. Klik this to register Metamask and you will see JumTask like (I didn’t show step for register Metamask):

payment proof minning crypto

By join honeygain you will earn 50% bonus via $JMPT token with minimum gas fee

Easy doing by share internet connection on app (Win, Mac, Apk, IOS)

You will get $5 for first join on honeygain by klik this link (refferal)


MostoHash provide mining of more than 30 cryptocurrencies. You are given a bonus of 150 GHS. This is about one day I use the website, I get 0,39508712 $USDT.

Klik this to join : (refferal)

